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Saturday, June 13, 2020

EzyStayz Answers to Your EzyStayz questions

What is EzyStayz? What issues does the platform comprehend?
EzyStayz is a lodging and property rental platform which offers the best costs and the most reduced charges available both to voyagers and hosts. The charges are high today due to Expedia Group and Airbnb controlling most of the business sectors through a few sub-brands.
We are presently moving into the blockchain which we see as without a doubt the eventual fate of this market. Utilizing cryptographic money on our foundation is only a little piece of what this task intends to us. There is a major work on the foundation that we are preparing of us to have the option to encourage the eventual fate of this industry.
How EzyStayz is unique in relation to other cordiality booking administrations?
Like a portion of our rivals, we are joining property rentals and lodgings. We generally attempt to see everything from our clients point of view, regardless of in the event that you talk about hosts or voyagers. At the point when you do that you need to comprehend their requirements deeply. Uniting occasion rentals and lodgings is one of these means in light of the fact that an explorer by and large can acknowledge remaining both in private property and in an inn.
Our administrations are less expensive than our rivals. We accept that the vast majority of the charges today are overrated as large organizations control most of the business sectors with a few sub-brands.
We are likewise presenting blockchain innovations which will open up another expanse of p2p highlights and administrations which we are certain will assume a major job in the neighborliness business sooner rather than later.
Why digital forms of money? How does the blockchain innovation help your venture stick out?
We as an organization consistently investigate what the future may hold. What new advancements are, what new patterns are indistinguishable, etc. We as a whole concur that the blockchain is an innovation of things to come for this industry. Huge cash is put into cryptographic forms of money and we accept that the estimation of this innovation has an a lot greater potential than simply exchanging.
For instance, investigate what heading out methods from a to z, from settling on a choice to booking, coordinations, proposals, extra administrations and every single other advance until you get back home. There are many separate people associated with this industry, and we are chipping away at consolidating all these individual companions under one umbrella.
We make a p2p platform for the cordiality business with a safe and easy to understand condition where hosts and voyagers can discuss straightforwardly with one another, and this is the reason the blockchain innovation will play a major and imperative job here.
- What makes individuals need to join your IEO? What do they receive consequently?
There are a great deal of advantages for our speculators. We will offer all the proprietors of EZT coin limits on their appointments. They won't just have the option to book a property later on, yet additionally get a rebate on the charges that are as of now the most minimal available.
Who are the key colleagues? What level of skill do they have?
All members in our group are key individuals. We think we have accumulated an extraordinary group that can assist us with arriving at our objectives.
Our tech group has 20 years of joined involvement with building cordiality platforms. We likewise have an administration and showcasing group that is liable for building worldwide brands with gigantic client base all inclusive. Here are only a couple of their accomplishments:
      Growing a client base from 100,000 clients to 220 million of every 190 nations inside 3 years.
      Increasing transformation rates and client lifetime esteems step by step and step by step.
      Reaching client lifetime commitments that are 2% of client obtaining cost during the first a year.
      Taking our Instagram supporters with a noteworthy degree of commitment and changing over them to clients.
      Creating worldwide organization manages brands like BBC Global, Uber, Esquire, LVMH and some more.
      Creating deals driven focused on showcasing channels that convert to up to 10% on extraordinary guests into our clients.
      Representing Victoria Secret model Miranda Kerr and numerous other worldwide way of life brands for PR purposes.
What will be the charges for voyagers and land owners to utilize your foundation?
As of now, we charge has 3% and visitors 10%. As an EZT holder, you will get a 25% rebate on these expenses, both as a visitor and as a host. We are additionally wanting to bring down the expenses before the finish of this current year. We are doing the counts right now so I can't tell precisely how much lower the charges will be.
What geographic zones do you intend to cover first?
We are a worldwide platform with properties and lodgings all around the globe. In any case, our principle advertising and voyager spotlight will be at first on Australia, the Oceanics and afterward Southeast Asia. We see gigantic development in these territories while it's getting simpler for individuals to go there. Likewise, the inhabitants of these districts travel to an ever increasing extent, as well, so this is a generally excellent spot to begin.
On which trades will your token be accessible?
Presently, we are in our pre-deals platform. Simultaneously, we are haggling with a few trades along with our consultants and financial specialists to pick the one to offer the greatest incentive for all gatherings included. We mean to get recorded on the main 10 trades.
In which crypto occasions would you say you are wanting to partake?
As of now, we are completely centered around extending our item and meeting key financial specialists around the globe. Anybody that has fund-raised realizes that it is a very tedious undertaking, particularly when it is joined with developing your business.
As we are a current business, we don't have the opportunity that new businesses at eh thought platform have. We can't put the entirety of our emphasis on raising assets, we have our task to grow further.
This is the reason we have chosen to do all the gatherings on the web. Obviously, if an eye to eye meeting is required, we can likewise head out to meet our accomplices and financial specialists face to face.
What are your arrangements for the following a year?
There is a great deal occurring in the up and coming year. We are propelling the new form of our foundation and the new iOS and Android applications. The new platform will be module based which will make it increasingly adaptable with regards to organizations and including new highlights. Additionally, we are going to dispatch our own crypto wallet.
As we have assigned 63% of the raised assets for developing our business, we will chiefly concentrate on client securing. Since we have a working item we definitely comprehend what we have to do and the amount we have to spend to get new clients to our foundation. There are some huge achievements coming ahead in the following a year and we are for the most part exceptionally amped up for that.

Want to learn more? Visit us following the links below:

Writer Informations:

Bitcointalk username: Javiz
Telegram username: 
Bitcointalk profile link:;u=2648150

Wednesday, June 10, 2020


The planet is encountering remarkable broad contamination that compromises the life of environments and living things. burn through is heaping wherever , constantly, particularly plastic waste, which has become an inescapable significant toxin. Furthermore, 2,1 billion individuals don't approach drinking water and the outcome , the death rate is exceptionally high and unsatisfactory . At long last, the portability and the vehicle which intersperse our ways of life, without being the first issue in quite a while of contamination diminish each day somewhat more the air quality and have shocking ramifications for our wellbeing and the climate.
3WM is a worldwide task battling contamination of soil, water and air. We have made an ethical natural hover dependent on blockchain and progressive, problematic and licensed mechanical advancements, squander recuperation, water treatment and filtration, maintainable portability.

Coming about because of the submitted and humanist vision of a gathering of French-Swiss organizers, 3WM gives a phenomenal reaction , a solid venture , a bearer for the eventual fate of the planet, and productive for its financial specialists:

+ We change 100% of the loss into bio-energies by building up the first overall system of spotless and independent manufacturing plants for the handling of plastic waste and the misuse of human action (plastics, natural, clinical ... in power, bio-gas, heat, bio-fuel ...)

+ We make a highminded hover of disinfecting by compensating in 3WM token biological activities, for example, squander assortment and green versatility and all other Eco Action preferring the earth.

+ We drink water and make it open to the best number and the most unfortunate.

+ We are improving vehicle modes to ever less CO2 emanations.

+ We make the first worldwide system of 10 Eco Tech focuses (ETC) devoted tothe security of the earth, genuine pools committed to the speeding up of the best of the worldwide green tech , to the examination , the sharing and the venture.

+ We make neighborhood financial and social included esteem and furthermore create an extremely enormous number of immediate and aberrant employments
By tending to environmental change with imaginative innovations, we can manufacture a progressively feasible and impartial world. The test of the earth likewise concurs with a period of phenomenal advancement and specialized indutrial change to which we have a place.

As a supplier of inventive ecological maintainability arrangements since 2012, we (Innovation Solar Holding AG) comprehend the enormous estimation of this worldview. We effectively offer a full scope of existing licensed restrictive arrangements supported by demonstrated plans of action with existing accomplices.

We are persuaded that it could profits by Blockchain innovation which can possibly turn into an incredible fundamental innovation to reshape and characterize how environnement entertainers make esteem and execute.

It offers a novel window chance to make a vertuous cycle dependent on boost of individuals and every one of environnement's on-screen characters and utilization of inventive protected innovations to pressing natural difficulties, for example, squander decrease, sea wellbeing, water the executives and air contamination. Blockchain Technology permits to move from investor to partner framework, adapt waste and rewards all partners for their commitment to environnement improvement.

In this point of view, we structured an answer for make 3WM a genuine distinct advantage, an absolutely new vertuous model for less contamination and a consistent development.

3WM, a social measurement at the core of our dedication
The 3WM task is essentially a financial undertaking that will altogether impact the earth. It is additionally a social venture to the extent that it will make countless immediate and roundabout occupations and will empower individuals in trouble to profit by pay by gathering for 3WM® manufacturing plants, trash and plastic waste, collected in the road, the streams, or around the seas.

At whatever point essential, 3WM® will endow the assortment of this loss to previously existing social structures, or that it will assist with making: incorporation affiliations, open administrations, NGOs, and so on.

Likewise, the boost and the activation of the on-screen characters on the ground will be astounding vectors of social correspondence towards greater affectability to the reason for the ecological guard, and towards a positive development of the signals and the practices.

Squander to-Bioenergy plants organize
A WTB plant is a perfect and self-governing plant for change of a wide range of waste (plastics, natural, medical...) into bioenergy with high proficiency (power, biogas, heat, biofuel ...)

Our pre-owned restrictive innovations (LogMed®, LogOrg®, BioGas®, Logoil®...) are revolutionnary : they valuate 100% of family waste and plastic. Plant are independent in vitality, doesn't contaminate or discharges any reject. Squanders are changed in various sorts of energies and in important materials.


Plastic-to-Bioenergy plants organize
A PTB plant is a perfect and independent plant for change of non-recyclable plastic waste into bioenergy with extremely high proficiency (power, heat, biofuel, gasoline...)

Our exclusive innovation (Logoil®) is revolutionnary : plant is self-ruling in vitality, it doesn't dirty or discharges any reject, 95% of waste is changed in vitality and 5% in other important items.


Eco Tech Center (ETC)
An ETC is a skill center committed to the improvement of eco-innovative focus.
And so forth isn't a hatchery, it is a mechanical platform which assembles on a similar site affirmed, imaginative and productive organizations, had practical experience in the assurance of the earth and in sustainable power sources, whose innovations, elements and security cause it conceivable to answer absolutely to and solidly the ecological needs of five landmasses. Development is for the most part move in little and medium-sized endeavors, which, for reasons of monetary limit, capability and association, frequently center around neighborhood markets. Each organization chose to join the system will coordinate our worldwide improvement program that will drive every innovation to the regions that need it. 
As agreements and value speculations are made with our accomplices, this organization of profoundly differentiated advances will altogether build our offer and take an interest in our arrangement of outside development.

They are expected to cover following exercises:
+ Immediate closeness to different organizations in a similar field of fitness; + Convergence of thoughts and means;
+ Possibility to deliver on the spot;
+ Showroom place for ideas and advances in a mechanical domain;
+ Commercial place for the flexibly of the territorial market of the items from 3WM® and accomplices;
+ Training revolve around the ideas and results of the 3WM® and its accomplices;

as of now began to concretize this vision with the arrangement of the first ETC which is situated in France, Mulhouse ETC is the pilot site2.

A gatherer can carry waste to fitting territories, change waste to bioenergies and furthermore get paid in 3WM tokens. Tokens can be traded for bioenergies, administrations and items on the 3WM platform, extension is inescapable and financial specialists/partners would profit tremendously. This with time and right arranging would be the greatest natural neighborly and green arrangement.
For more detailed information, please visit:

Writer Informations:
Bitcointalk username: Javiz
Telegram username: 
Bitcointalk profile link:;u=2648150
Proof of authentication:

ARCS (ARX) Token - All You Need To Know

The way of thinking of the AIre venture is a craving to improve prosperity for individuals around the globe, truly, yet additionally intellectually and socially. AIre' s vision is to enable people through the rights to their information and the worth their information holds. The ECOSYSTEM will incorporate members of numerous sorts, extending from people to enormous information companies. Members will have the option to execute with one another, ensured by the "rule of code" implemented with brilliant agreements conveyed onto a blockchain arrange. This empowers organizations to purchase and sell information while being consistent with individual information guidelines, at last improving their information investigation abilities and determining significant bits of knowledge. People who give data to information banks will be secured by an elevated level of protection and get rewards dependent on contributing information and it being utilized. Purchasing and selling information is progressively turning into a significant piece of our lives, Aire' s proposed environment will make purchasing and selling information a coordinated piece of our lives while guaranteeing protection and reasonable dissemination of information exchange.

Difficulties with individual information

I n r e c e n t y e a r s , p e r s o n a l d a t a h a s b e c o m e progressively divided across various administrations and regularly rests in databases without appropriate client assent. This leaves clients without legitimate control of their information and, somewhat, their character.

The European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was brought into EU law to address this issue, notwithstanding, companies despite everything amass huge volumes of individual information for investigation and adaptation. 

Information is frequently portrayed as "the new oil" and clients are quick getting mindful of the worth it holds. This has offered ascend to a few information banking organizations who endeavor to purchase information and sell for benefit, regardless consistently with the bury - ests of enormous companies as a main priority. AIre is worked with instruments to give a more pleasant appropriation of benefits produced using individual information by giving clients self-sovereign characters.


AIre tackles the issue of wasteful information use. At present, each organization just stores and uses a segment of the data its clients leave on the web. In this way, a total and precise profile of clients can't be gathered. Clients by and large have negative input on the present utilization of their information in light of the fact that the data or potentially proposals they get because of it being utilized are frequently mistaken.

To explain these issues, AIre empowers bound together administration of client information which takes into account information to be utilized with assent and information rights secured. We accept that this instrument can give a wide scope of use administrations for clients.

We allude to the interface which can offer these administrations as a "cutting edge bank" . The cutting edge bank is an exhaustive advanced wallet fundamental for the coming period of computerized change.

A solitary specialist co-op won't offer a wide range of assistance and each specialist organization will offer their support as a component of a cutting edge bank utilizing a solitary token. The cutting edge bank is a computerized wallet which handles these administrations. AIre tokenizes assets as security tokens through the information bank, for example, stocks, land, craftsmanship, and so on., and makes installments/moves utilizing cryptographic forms of money. Further subtleties are depicted in "future turn of events" area. AIre uses this information to make new assessment principles. Notwithstanding guaranteeing similarity with other member organizations on the AIre platform, AIre will step up in taking care of new innovations and ideas in regards to client information the board to turn into a genuine "client sovereign" platform.

Market Size
AIre focuses on a wide assortment of business sectors, the two fundamental markets are: the data business advertise, AIre's data banking activity will focus on this market; and the money related evacuee showcase, as depicted "later on improvement" segment. To give a model, a decentralized advanced character (DID) foundation can be created by using information put away in a data bank. Therefore, it is conceivable to target unbanked individuals who d o n ot approach money related markets since they don't as of now have a computerized character.

Data industry advertise
As the estimation of individual information builds, the business sectors focused by data banks are developing step by step. AIre secures different kinds of individual information, increases the value of the information, and returns it to the client. Taking a gander at a particular use case, this can be applied to the showcasing and publicizing divisions. The table beneath shows the normal data esteem every year for the land, way of life, fund, wellbeing, and magnificence divisions. For instance, if the unit cost is 30 to 50 million JPY for purchasing and selling a withdrew house or apartment suite, when a deal is built up by giving the client status, it is entirely expected to pay a data supplier expense of 300,000 to 500,000 JPY (1% of the deal cost) as an unforeseen charge. On the off chance that the normal buy pattern of a separated house or condo is assessed to associate with 30 years, the yearly data arrangement expense can be determined to be somewhere in the range of 10,000 and 16,000 JPY. Correspondingly, on the off chance that you compute it forever, money, wellbeing, and excellence, and figure the complete estimation of the data arrangement expense every year, it will be somewhere in the range of 41,000 and 95,000 JPY. At the end of the day, here it very well may be accepted that the estimation of client data is worth 41,000 to 95,000 JPY every year. Since what is referenced in this table is a piece of the market, it is viewed as worth at any rate 100,000 JPY.

Additionally, from a monetary perspective, taking a gander at the size of the Japanese household showcase, the all out publicizing market in Japan in 2018 was 6.2 trillion JPY and the web promoting market was 1.5 trillion JPY. Together, there is an absolute market size of 7.7 trillion JPY. Partitioning these by the absolute populace of Japan, it very well may be determined that the yearly promoting cost per individual is 64,000 JPY and thinking about that the market is growing, it is sensible to assess that it is worth around 100,000 JPY per individual for every year.
IFA focuses on an aggregate of 50 million AIre clients in Japan and 25 million AIre clients abroad by 2024, consequently the greatest estimation of AIre is evaluated to be 100,000 x 50 million = 5 trillion JPY. By 2029, the objective is 50 million clients in Japan and 350 million clients abroad, with the estimation of AIre assessed to be 100,000 × 400 million = 40 trillion JPY. If it's not too much trouble note this is subject to the piece of the overall industry of AIre in every part.

AIre is an environment revolved around information banks and their users.It gives usefulness for information banks so they can work successfully and execute with organizations and individuals. This area plots AIre, its usefulness, and its plan of action.  It likewise incorporates a portrayal of measures to forestall information altering through utilizing blockchain innovation and interconnected information bank center points.


AIre gives usefulness to the executives and capacity of different information structures in "information banks", which are basically a business to adapt information. System members can access and expand on AIre by means of exclusively constructed applications or straightforwardly through restrictive APIs. This gives an adaptable structure which makes it simple for organizations to construct their business situations and applications with incredible bits of knowledge from information examination.


AIre contains three principle functionalities: data input, data stockpiling, and data use. Information banks are at the center of the framework for putting away information, and APIs empower help and coordination of information stream. AIre can deal with various information sources and oversee information possession, for instance, divided information from various sources can be connected to legitimate client characters in the information bank. Accordingly, clients can deal with their information in one incorporated system.

Data input
Clients can include fundamental individual data, for example, sexual orientation and address, answers from polls, content from websites, and connections to internet based life accounts. Thus, in light of the data sources of info and recurrence of use, they will get tokens as motivating forces.

AIre is intended to deal with high throughput and complex information structures from rising advances, for example, IoT and man-made consciousness with the assent of the client, including area information from cell phones, social insurance information from smartwatches, just as installments and web perusing history.

Data stockpiling
Data is put away in the information bank framework. To safeguard the honesty of information, the framework will consequently compute hash esteems for the information and store it in on a blockchain. This permits anybody with the information to confirm whether it has been messed with.

Data use
Restrictive AIre APIs permit organizations to coordinate their organizations and applications with information banks or considerably offer their own information bank administrations. The ECOSYSTEM will permit advancements to deal with various business situations, for example, execution of W3C DID guidelines, or notoriety and scoring framework structures. The system keeps a permanent record of which members have been allowed access to which information and in this way which prizes have been dispersed to which information suppliers.

Token economy
The AIre token economy is based on the ARCS token. The following is a portrayal of the token, its economy, and its usefulness.

ARCS token
ARCS is the local token of AIre. It tends to be held in wallets that help the ERC-20 token norm and be exchanged on trades which rundown ARCS. It will change as indicated by economic situations. ARCSs is for the most part utilized for the accompanying purposes:

Motivations for clients
Numerous web clients feel awkward while giving individual information to administrations because of the ongoing open information on huge partnerships abusing individual information. AIre boosts clients for the data they give, which is relied upon to bring down protection from putting away close to home information.

Rights to utilize the AIre administration
The token economy is intended to extend the environment naturally since members will get extraordinary advantages from utilizing the ARCS token instead of fiat monetary standards. The fundamental belief of AIre is the information which the information banks hold and ARCS is the worldwide system money which information purchasers can use to purchase information with.

Token stream

The following is an exhibition of the ARCS token stream:
1. Clients input information into the AIre information bank and get ARCS as a prize;
2. Organizations who wish to obtain information from the information bank will initially purchase ARCS from a trade;
3. Organizations would then be able to purchase information from an information manage an account with ARCS. Simultaneously, clients will be remunerated for their information and IFA will gather a commission expense for conveying the administration;
4. Organizations can use the information for their administrations and offer it to AIre clients as a byproduct of ARCS.

Future turn of events
ARCS is the local token of AIre. It tends to be held in wallets that help the ERC-20 token norm and be exchanged on trades which rundown ARCS. It will vacillate as indicated by economic situations. ARCSs is fundamentally utilized for the accompanying purposes:

·        Resource tokenization
AIre expects to picture the estimation of people through tokens. As resources are tokenized, distinctive resource types can be traded continuously. There are numerous sorts of advantages, for example, land, craftsmanship, and protections, yet there is as of now no platform that can deal with them with a solitary interface. We accept that by tokenizing different types of advantages, the benefits can be utilized as a type of "cash", and monetary exercises can be additionally energized. For instance, you could get protection by tokenizing a vehicle you own and marking a piece of it, or sell craftsmanship by tokenizing it while it stays in plain view. Additionally, since one enormous resource can be partitioned and claimed by different individuals, it is conceivable to bring down the obstruction to venture and empower bigger markets.

·        ARCSs token subtleties
ARCSs is the local token in the AIre ECOSYSTEM. It is given on the Ethereum connect with the ERC-20 token norm.

Token detail
The ARCS token is given dependent on the parameters appeared in the table underneath.

Token Distribution
The 20 billion ARCS tokens are intended to be appropriated as follows:

Token relocation and trade
As the ECOSYSTEM develops with more clients and exchanges, it will be important to construct a blockchain that can oblige versatility, execution, and customization prerequisites. ARCS is at first given on the Ethereum system to start advancement and construct the ECOSYSTEM.

Nonetheless, Ethereum won't have the option to meet the necessities at scale. Going ahead, the group will structure and manufacture an AIre restrictive blockchain foundation which the ARCS tokens will later relocate to. During the movement, the token holders should trade from the ERC-20 token standard to AIre's new local token norm.

Hazard factors at the token cost
The digital money advertise is new to the world and still juvenile. With respect to ARCS token that IFA issues, the accompanying case can be viewed as a hazard.



The ARC decentralized platform has rivals in the cryptographic money, however because of the huge size of the market, the task has great possibilities for its turn of events. The upside of this platform is a fairly experienced group of designers. The task has great surveys, a genuine enough and all around created execution plan.

Author Information:
Bitcointalk username: Javiz
Telegram username: @Javiszizzix
ETH address: 0xb9CB17d6a17481E51948550dF054413056c8C50A
Bitcointalk profile link:;u=2648150

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